Luke James

GRAMMY-nominated singer, songwriter, musician, and actor
“I want to think deeper. I know there is so much more to us, but we get so caught in this concept of life that we are programmed to want, that others create for us, that we don't make the time to dive into the magic of being human.”
A Son. Born and raised in New Orleans.
An only child. Single-parent household
A Loner. Big dreamer. Hard worker
A Lover of Love
God believing. Good believing.
Three years ago, I was falling out of love with me, so I couldn't see myself, hear my own thoughts, or articulate that to anyone, including me. I could not see the light anymore, so I ran away, stayed to myself, grew a beard, got fat, and did what I thought would help me – I made a lot of music, but none of it was right. This time it was not delivering me as it had before. I could not do the one thing that had rescued me all my life, make music. It was a dark and isolating time.
On replay in my head was, 'Luke put out an album he didn't want to put out. It sold nothing. The label is releasing music, not in the spirit of what I think is best for my career. I should be able to fix this, but I can’t. How can I turn this tide? I am not inspired to create. I want to be on top. I want people to love my music. I want to do what I love.’
I felt like the clock was ticking for the people who supported that side of me to tap out and do what was best for them because the 'business of Luke James' was no longer delivering. Which was never an option for me because 'the music’ is my identity, it is personal. Yes, there is a business aspect to it, but I cannot separate who I am from what I create and express, so I felt lost. This is my life, and when it is not harmonious, there is only one outcome. I fell into a depression.
Photo Credit: Makeda Sandford
I got a call from a friend, ELIJAH KELLY, a kindred spirit who I knew well-enough but not part of my immediate circle. I didn’t take the call because I was in this space and couldn’t bring myself to talk to anyone, so he left a message. “Yo, I got something you might be interested in. Give me a call back.”
Usually, I don't call people back. I am working on that. But there was something about his message that compelled me to. Turns out, he was set to star in the New Edition Story and asked me if I was interested. That was the moment right there. He had no way of knowing what he was doing, but he threw me a lifeline that pulled me out of the funk that I was in. I started to see a new life, a new way to express myself, so I started to pursue that. Moving into that lane allowed me to stop thinking about myself 'Luke James' and the label—what kind of music they wanted me to put out and feeling trapped. I got a chance to think about someone else, portraying this artist, JOHNNY GILL, whose story I related to very much. Being in the business so young, a big voice, the label doesn't know how to position him-can't find an audience. I knew all of that too well. I had lived it, was being consumed by it, and here was an opportunity, a lighted vehicle for me to express all that and discover something new about myself. Acting brought me through.
Today, the way I approach my life is different. I know now that you have to write your own story. Not based on situation or circumstance, and definitely not through someone else’s view of who you can be or what your potential is. I make a decision every day to win. The vision I have for my life is to have some kids, a family, to create endlessly and support those I love endlessly.
When you are faced with the possibility that everything you have worked for, that has defined you is now lost to you-taken in some way, there is nowhere to go. Nothing anyone can say to bring you out of that vulnerable place. When the time comes that you do start to look up and out, it is important to have outlets of support, especially black men. We are raised by society not to express ourselves, not to be in-tune with expressing ourselves (mental and emotional) outwardly or inwardly. At the moment that I fell into my depression, despite having a tight friendship circle who I knew would support me, I felt an indescribable pressure to keep it to myself and not reach out to them, but I knew they were there. Those are the ones who will reach out again and again and again until they get through to you.
I didn't get it as a kid because I was a dreamer. I was always looking outside, wondering what else the world had to offer beyond what my every day was. How do I get out? It was not until I moved and was able to see the world that I was able to understand how special my city really is. New Orleans has a culture like none other. We are in the food, the music, the art, the architecture, the folklore. We are the spirit of New Orleans.
We are known for our manners. I notice when I live in other places that young people don’t greet older people with respect. You can’t do that in New Orleans. Our hospitality and manners influenced my way of being, and I am proud of that. New Orleans a soulful place. People try things. Growing up, I was never shunned for trying new things, new art forms. I was always pushed and encouraged to open my mind. I think that is a common thread. I feel whole when I go home. It is the only place that I am relaxed. I can rest.
I have never shied away from speaking up and lending my voice as a catalyst for change, be it social justice, anti-police violence, arts in education. I believe that it is everybody’s human-to-human responsibility to be accountable to one another. You see something happening that is not right, step in! You see these people walking around in uniforms with training to carry guns and badges. These are the ones who are supposed to protect and defend people. They are supposed to be trained to know the difference between someone right in mind and someone who is not, or the difference between a child holding a cellphone as opposed to a gun. Yet, they are lawfully unstable, and innocent people are paying the price with their life. This is not about a famous or notable person speaking up, this is our responsibility.
I left my label some time ago, and it was the most freeing thing I have ever done. I am not thinking about anyone else. I am not thinking about the politics of the business. I am thinking about my friends, the things we love to do—how we groove, how we are living, and absorbing music. My creative energy is even stronger now because everything that I am creating now is for me, not the label, not a middle man. I now make music for the people. When you are tied to something, as I was, you have to abide by the rules that they set. When most artists find this out, it is painful. Living under someone else’s roof is not the way, that’s why you have to move out.
Photo Credit: Karl Ferguson Jr.
I was blessed to meet PRINCE and spend time at Paisley Park, so I can check that off the list. Remaining are SADE, STEVIE WONDER, SPIKE LEE, my favorite movie is Mo’ Better Blues, and BABYFACE. Face and I worked together earlier in my career. I was a different artist then. I think who I am now, and how I create offers us something new and better to explore.
We are the source, MANIFEST THE REALITY YOU WANT. Most people only channel one side of their abilities. An athlete is a great example. They put their entire power into perfecting one-side of their ability -peak performance. That, I give you, is no small task. It is vast, channeling everything that you are to be a peak physical condition and perform at a superior level. Now imagine what would be possible if that athlete synced his physical, mental, and spiritual to manifest beyond the confines of what is presented in that one lane. Endless possibilities for a life beyond the field of play.
I now know that I have been manifesting my entire life. My ability to manifest is so strong that I have to be careful. Over the last few years, I have been conscious about it, honing in, thinking about what I want, saying it, believing it, and putting it into action. Each of those things has become reality, so I know that the greater power and ability within us is true.
No one should feel that they can walk through this world with blinders on. There is so much going on that mandates we know more, especially the things outside of ourselves. If I read the bible, I want to read the Koran. I read the Koran, I want to read the Sutra. I believe that it is only in reading or having some knowledge of all that a person can start to construct the truth. No one has the full story, yet everyone positions as if they do.
I am an honest soul, I try to be. When it comes to books, I am not a finisher, but I will start a bunch of them. My favorite reads are:
Where The Wild Things (Maurice Sendak) – It’s hilarious! Loved it as a kid still do.
Manual of the Warrior of Light (Paulo Coehlo) – This was gifted to me by my big brother DEVON SCOTT. He handed it to me and said, “take your time.” One of the greatest messages for me in it is that to be a great fighter, a warrior knows that he must have an even greater imagination.
The Kybalion by Three Initiates: The 7 Hermetic Principles
Photo Credit: Herring & Herring
Vegans do it better. I have been Plant-based for two years now. The decision was simple; when you know better, you do better. I am trying to get my mom on the health train. She is from New Orleans, not Missouri, so you have to show her.
For years, I have dabbled with different ways to eat healthier. I like animals. I eat to live, not live to eat. I don't eat for pleasure, I am past that. I don't want to have issues when I am older. I don't want to have to be in a hospital for some toxins that I knowingly put in my body. If I am going to be in the hospital, I want it to be over some natural shit; bad knees because I ran for so long. Not, you have been eating Taco Bell for the majority of your life, and now your internal organs have given out. The work we do on the outside that we see - being physical and all of that, means nothing if you spend an entire lifetime eating crap.
If Beale Street Could Talk (film score) – is my favorite shit of the year. It is so beautiful and moves you in a way that is almost transcendent.
I can’t live without being loved. I can live without being touched, but Love, sun, moon, music, fitness, and plant-based food are all one for me.
John Hardy ring – a gift from my brother Devon.
Laptop – MacBook Pro Air
Cellphone – it has my music!
Bose Headphones – The noise cancellation is the best, and they connect to Alexaä. It’s lit. I take them everywhere I go.
Luke is currently reoccurring on HBO’s The Chi.
His new release “go girl” with @bjthechicagokid & @rojamesxix is streaming exclusively on Culture Collective at
Interview by Tamara N. Houston.