


Dear Family,

Nearing the end of 2018 and we are reflective. Paramount in awareness that ICON MANN would not exist if you were not positively impacting culture and society. Thank you. Keenly aware that the journey for you can be a moment-to-moment cautionary experience, and yet you persist. Thank you. Without your shared insights, each week on IN CONVERSATION WITH…, our Fridays would not be as interesting or inspired. Thank you.

The greatest wish that we could ever have for you as a handsome collective is that you operate at such a high level of LOVE, and PEACE that nothing outside of you can touch the kingdom within you. You are the ultimate self-made man, the original success story. As sons, brothers, fathers, lovers, and friends; you are fundamental, so it is our wish this holiday season that you are blessed with self-care and appreciation.

528HZ is the vibrational frequency of the sun, and best associated with our heart chakra. It is also the frequency of love, and from our vantage point, you. Black man, you are Love. Thank you for all that you are, all that you do, and all that you will create in 2019.

Happy holidays you and yours. Join us on Friday, January 4, 2019, when we return with a new inspired IN CONVERSATION WITH… profile.


Tamara N. Houston